entertainmentSeptember 27, 2021
Musical theater freshman Jessica Farfan said, back home, her family has a game night every Wednesday. It was always something she looked forward to and has missed since being at school. “When I heard there was a game night, I was really excited,” Farfan said. “It’s just a fun time to get your mind off of school and just to have fun and de-stress and not constantly be stressing and worrying about classes and tests.”...
Freshman Musical Theater majors Jessica Farfan (left) and Megan Hoffman (right) playing Connect Four at Crisp Museum's Game Night. Participants could also play Monopoly, Sorry, Risk, Jenga, Dominoes, Battleship and Guess Who.
Freshman Musical Theater majors Jessica Farfan (left) and Megan Hoffman (right) playing Connect Four at Crisp Museum's Game Night. Participants could also play Monopoly, Sorry, Risk, Jenga, Dominoes, Battleship and Guess Who. Photo by Cynthia Wallman

Musical theater freshman Jessica Farfan said, back home, her family has a game night every Wednesday. It was always something she looked forward to and has missed since being at school.

“When I heard there was a game night, I was really excited,” Farfan said. “It’s just a fun time to get your mind off of school and just to have fun and de-stress and not constantly be stressing and worrying about classes and tests.”

Free popcorn, board games and camaraderie lured students to Crisp Museum for their annual Game Night Sept. 24.

During Game Night, the smell of popcorn, sounds of laughing and the clinking of game pieces filled the museum. There were many games to choose from, but Guess Who, Battleship and the Game of Life were the most popular.

Museum manager Jim Phillips said the game night is a way for the museum to connect to the campus community to show it is not only a place for class.

“We’ve done board games because it has that sense of nostalgia,” Phillips said. “Everybody has grown up playing board games in one fashion or another. These games are things that are approachable and a way for students to interact with one another.”

Southeast instructor of psychology Shawn Guiling said there are decades of research on play, and it’s important for social and emotional skill development. He said board games are a “unifying event.”

“Board games provide the ability for people to come together and have this shared experience that provides skill development, opportunities for new friendships and just fun,” Guiling said.

Game Night was cancelled last year due to the pandemic.

“Game Night provides a place for something that is non-threatening to provide a distraction to some of the more threatening things that are going on,” Guiling said. “It gives you that ability to take your mind and put it elsewhere.”

He said when feeling overwhelmed it’s helpful to talk with other people about your thoughts and reality.

Farfan and musical theater freshmen Megan Hoffman were the first to arrive at the event. Hoffman said it’s important for students to be able to have activities outside of school.

“It’s always fun for me to play games and get my mind off of other things and have a fun night with friends,” Hoffman said.

The event is a part of Southeast’s Engage in 8. To learn more about the Crisp Museums’ upcoming activities, visit their website.

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