entertainmentOctober 7, 2014
Southeast Missouri State University student Michael Curry got a big surprise a few weeks ago we he turned on the University's Cinema channel. He saw himself along with his friend Dyvion Johnson's YouTube video playing during the intermission between two films...
A screenshot of the YouTube video featuring Michael "Crank" Curry and Dyvion "Zone" Johnson that aired on the Southeast movie channel.
A screenshot of the YouTube video featuring Michael "Crank" Curry and Dyvion "Zone" Johnson that aired on the Southeast movie channel.

Southeast Missouri State University student Michael Curry got a big surprise a few weeks ago we he turned on the University's Cinema channel.

He saw himself along with his friend Dyvion Johnson's YouTube video playing during the intermission between two films.

Curry, who goes by "Crank," and Johnson, who goes by "Zone," are shown doing what they describe as "animated dancing." The two Southeast students met last year as freshmen during a dance class at the River Campus and have been dancing around campus since.

The video is 2 minutes, 17 seconds long and takes place in front of the mural on the River Campus.

Johnson says the duo have been dancing and making multiple videos around campus but had no idea how their video ended up on the movie channel.

Residence Life actually posted the video after Curry and Johnson posted videos to the Southeast's official Facebook page.

The students were also invited to perform at Carpe Diem, a multicultural event during homecoming on Saturday.

Residence Life decided to use the YouTube video to promote Carpe Diem.

"Any student can have anything on the movie channel 7-3 as long as it meets certain guidelines and as long as they come to us," Allen Mauk, who works in Residence Life and manages the movie channel, said.

"Students are more welcome to come to us and bring things, and we'll put it on the movie channel during intermission," Mauk said.

Mauk said that in the past students have submitted videos, like a student who participated in Greek Sing, comedy show at talents show, as well as student organizations and the athletic department.

Mauk added that it is a great way to show off a talent or let the campus know about an upcoming event.

To submit a video, students should send Mauk a video using the Facebook page or a link to their video. Students should also send the request to ResidenceLife@semo.edu.

As for "Crank" and "Zone," they have the upcoming dream of having more people join their group to dance around and be creative.

"It's just us two right now, but were trying to get other people to come out and dance and do whatever," Johnson said.

Certainly people who have watched them during the movie channel have become aware, but students can also go to the MichaelCrankzone_curry YouTube page to see more videos of their unique dancing style.

"We dance everywhere, anywhere on campus is a place for us to get out there and start dancing," Curry said.

Southeast students should keep their eyes open around campus because they might just stumble upon a free dancing exhibition.

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