newsNovember 7, 2018
Amendment 1 Missouri voters voted to clean up Missouri politics through new laws on lobbying on Nov. 6. The bill proposed to reshape the legislative districts during reapportionment, change limits for campaign contributions, limit acceptance of gifts by state legislators, prohibit political fundraising by candidates and their employees on state property, prohibit state legislators and their employees to engage in paid lobbying for two years after their last legislative session and make administrative records and proceedings open to the public.. ...
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Amendment 1

Missouri voters voted to clean up Missouri politics through new laws on lobbying on Nov. 6. The bill proposed to reshape the legislative districts during reapportionment, change limits for campaign contributions, limit acceptance of gifts by state legislators, prohibit political fundraising by candidates and their employees on state property, prohibit state legislators and their employees to engage in paid lobbying for two years after their last legislative session and make administrative records and proceedings open to the public.

Amendment 4

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Voters opted to eliminate language limiting bingo game advertising. This language had previously been ruled unconstitutional by a court. Additionally, members of licensed organizations conducting bingo games will now be able to operate with six-month’s worth of experience instead of two years.

Prop B

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Missouri voters said yes to Proposition B, the initiative to increase state minimum wage.

The bill proposed a statewide minimum wage increase to $8.60 per hour effective January 2019. Each following year, minimum wage would increase by 85 cents per hour until 2023, when the state minimum wage would top out at $12.00 per hour.

Each year after, minimum wage will fluctuate in accordance with the consumer price index.

Government employers, however, are exempt from the amendment, and minimum wage will remain at $7.85 for government workers.

Employers who fail to pay their employees the minimum wage will have an increased fine according to the proposition.

Although state and local governments estimate no direct savings or costs from the proposal, operating costs could increase annually by an unknown amount.

Tax revenue for state and local government could change by an unknown amount as well. Current estimates for tax revenue change ranges anywhere from $2.9 million decrease to a $214 million increase.

Prop D

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Voters declined an increase on taxes for motor fuel and alternative fuels. The proposition would have added 2.5 percent per gallon every year through 2022 and was projected to produce some $288 million in revenue for reconstruction of roads through the State Road Fund

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