newsMarch 2, 2018
The Southeast Board of Regents voted and passed an increase in textbooks, room and board and dual credit for high schoolers Friday, Feb. 23. Starting in the fall, textbooks will increase from $25 to $35 per course. A student taking 15 credit hours will be charged $175 for textbooks...
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The Southeast Board of Regents voted and passed an increase in textbooks, room and board and dual credit for high schoolers Friday, Feb. 23.

Starting in the fall, textbooks will increase from $25 to $35 per course. A student taking 15 credit hours will be charged $175 for textbooks.

The board approved a combined room and board rate increase of 2.51 percent. Room rates is increasing 1.97 percent and board rates increase to 3.50 percent.

The increase is consistent with the terms of Southeast’s contract with Chartwells. There are plans to upgrade the University Center kitchen, which is original to the building, and a brand upgrade to Chick-Fil-A. With the increase, the university plans to upgrade wireless network in red\sident halls, according to Below. Last year room and board was increased by 2.5 percent.

The board also voted and passed an increase for dual credit, dual enrollment and early college credit. Starting this fall, dual credit will increase from $85 to $95 per credit hour.

“We have been seeing dual credit is on the raise,” vice president for Finance and Administration Kathy Mangels said.

Over the last five years the dual-credit program has increased 127 percent, according to Mangels. This motion was long discussed with board member Jay Knudtson saying he thought the fee is too low.

“I question whether they would be willing to pay a bit more as long as is less than what it cost to go here,” he said.

The goal of high school dual credit enrollment is for students to later attend Southeast, and one-third of students currently follow that route.

The board also passed a motion to honor 30 faulty members and 43 staff members retiring or have retired from Southeast. This is an annual program and it was passed by the board.

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