newsNovember 8, 2021
Southeast Missouri State’s goal of 70% on-campus vaccination was met on Oct. 29, resulting in a full-week Thanksgiving break from Nov. 22-26.

Southeast Missouri State’s goal of 70% on-campus vaccination was met on Oct. 29, resulting in a full-week Thanksgiving break from Nov. 22-26.

On Aug. 26, President Carlos Vargas announced the Great SEMO Vaccine Give Away Get Away incentive program to the student body. Vargas encouraged students to turn in their vaccination cards in order to potentially win cash prizes and get their Thanksgiving break extended by three days.

Vargas was not the only one encouraging people to turn in their cards, though, as students began joining in, as well.

Criminal justice freshman Brody Fennell said he told fellow students to submit their cards, as he said he needed the break.

Students are planning to use the extra days off to hang out with friends, relax and enjoy not having to do homework. Some students, such as freshman photography major Daylnn Carradine, have a different idea of what they want to do on the break.

“I haven’t seen my family ever since I moved here, so now that we get an almost 10-day break, I get to finally spend time with them,” Carradine said.

Carradine’s family lives six hours away from Cape Girardeau, so the extended break is her only chance to see them before Christmas.

Some students are excited about the break due to academic reasons. Sophomore social studies education major Ryan Eschbach plans to spend the break accomplishing tasks for his classes.

“I’m glad that I have the break. It helps me get my observation hours in for teaching for my intro to education class,” Eschbach said.

Director of career services Dan Presson agrees this period could be helpful as long as students use the time wisely.

“This extended holiday break is really going to be beneficial to a lot of students,” Presson said. “This is going to give students the ability and the time away from campus for them to focus on either their job search or their internship search.”

Whether it is spent hanging out with friends, visiting family or forwarding their career, the extension is sure to be helpful for many students.

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