newsFebruary 13, 2017
Southeast Missouri State University is joining more than 400 other colleges and universities across the nation in an effort to help stamp out hunger on campuses by opening the Redhawk Food Bank. The College and University Food Bank Alliance -- CUFBA -- is the network of schools with pantries and or programs offering relief and supplemental food sourcing to their students and faculty...
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Southeast Missouri State University is joining more than 400 other colleges and universities across the nation in an effort to help stamp out hunger on campuses by opening the Redhawk Food Bank.

The College and University Food Bank Alliance -- CUFBA -- is the network of schools with pantries and or programs offering relief and supplemental food sourcing to their students and faculty.

The Redhawk Food Pantry, to be located in Textbook Rental at Southeast Missouri State University, will open March 20, providing supplemental food assistance to Southeast students, faculty and staff.

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Targeted collection items are soap, shampoo and supplies for school as well as non-perishable food items such as canned meats and pastas. A food drive has been planned by various organizations for Feb. 13 through March 3 to begin stocking the pantry, and all student organizations and community agencies are encouraged to collect and donate.

Laurie Taylor from Textbook Rental will be heading the project in partnership with Dr. Debbie Below, vice president for enrollment and student success and dean of students at Southeast. Taylor said she noticed a need for the service after doing some research on food shortage reports on other college campuses. She found that 20 percent of college students nationwide suffer from food shortage.

A recent survey conducted by the Student Government Association revealed that 13 percent of Southeast students suffer from some kind of food need during the semester.

According to the Journal of College and Character, "Food insecurity is a threat on college campuses in the United States. It has the potential to impact academics, wellness and behavior -- all factors that have bearing on student retention and graduation rates."

Dr. Bruce Skinner, assistant vice president for student success at Southeast, said they reached out to other departments with their findings and were able to gain the support of Dr. Charles McAllister, vice provost and chapter adviser to Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. McAllister was able to secure a $15,000 grant that is designed to last three years and to aid in the overall start-up and operational maintenance costs.

"There are so many people who deserve credit for their hard work and commitment toward making this actually happen," Skinner said. "This wasn't a one person or one organization mission, it took a lot of great people to get this going."

Lambda Chi Alpha's national organization announced in July 2013 a national partnership with Feeding America. Feeding America is a Nationwide network of 200 food banks and more than 60,000 programs that provide services to over 46 million people each year. They advocate for legislation that protects people from going hungry, educate the public about hunger, promote self sufficiency and provide programs to ensure and provide food to families in need.

"Right now the supply room stands empty, but after the Feb. 13 through March 3 food drive the goal is to have a ready supply of food and supplies available," Taylor said. "Dr. Skinner has done an amazing job at turning all of this into a reality."

Taylor also said there will be a clothes closet housed in the pantry's storage area for any student who needs professional clothing.

To make a donation of professional clothing, contact Dan Presson at Career Services by calling (573) 651-2583. The food pantry will be located at Textbook Rental.

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