newsApril 24, 2012
The Cape Girardeau Roller Derby Girls had over 60 people attend their first Trivia Night fundraiser at 6:30 p.m. at Port Cape in downtown Cape Girardeau April 20.

The Cape Girardeau Roller Derby Girls had over 60 people attend their first Trivia Night fundraiser at 6:30 p.m. at Port Cape in downtown Cape Girardeau April 20.

"People seem to be having a lot of fun," team member Sylvia Smash said.

The league sold tickets prior to the event at $10 per person. Each team sported a maximum of eight members with a total of twelve tables available for players. Many in attendance ordered beverages and appetizers from the bar and restaurant downstairs before the Trivia games began. Others ordered the free popcorn and sodas that came complementary with the $10 entry fee.

The games began at 7 p.m. with announcers Stephen K. and Amanda Sparks announcing the category names. According to Sparks 10 categories with 10 questions would be read. After all the questions had been read the nine participating teams had two minutes deliberate, ask for repeat questions, and turn in their answers to the judges. Categories included Civics, T.V. Guide, American History Audio, North American Cities, Oscars, Dead or Alive, College Mascots, Famous Missourians, American History, and Famous Movie Releases. Team Storm Troopers of Trivia challenged two questions in the Civics category during the first round.

"This is a charity event, but there is a certain amount of ethics and backing they need to have," Storm Troopers of Trivia team member Mary said, "If they ask a question they need to be able to have a source if they are challenged."

The three members of the Storm Troopers of Trivia are civics teachers at the local public schools and a forth is a history major.

"The frustrating part for us is we teach this everyday and when we say no this isn't the right answer we don't get the amount of respect we deserve," Storm Troopers of Trivia member Jennifer Finley said.

The Roller Derby Girl's announcer said the question wasn't worded clearly and granted all teams a bonus point.

In between trivia rounds, extra games such as Fifty-Fifty, Coin Toss, and Heads and Tails offered prize winning opportunities to the trivia participants.

"Heads or Tails is a game where participants stand up with a dollar if they want to play," Smash said, "The announcer flips a quarter and the crowd chooses heads or tails by putting their hands on their heads or their tush before the quarter lands. If the quarter lands on heads everyone with tails sits down. The game continues until only one person is left standing."

Winner of the Heads or Tails game collects 50% of the winnings from the game. Paula McBride, member of the team Fresh Meat, won the Heads or Tails.

"We were awful," McBride said about the Fresh Meat performance in the Trivia, "We are in last place, but for us it's about supporting our team."

Points are accumulated throughout all 10 rounds with 100 points possible. Team Bull Dog finished first with 92 points. Each team member received a $10 entry refund a Sonic donated $5 gift card.

"The group of Roller Girls is very welcoming so if you come to these everyone can have fun," Fresh Meat team member Liz Akers said.

The Derby Girls are completely self-funded. Each team member pays their own way to compete and funds to keep the team going are provided by team dues, sponsors, and fundraising events to keep the league functioning according to President Bobbie Soxxx. The fund that the league collects helps to pay for practice rentals, event fees, and insurance premiums.

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