newsFebruary 16, 2017
National Random Act of Kindness Day will be observed on Feb. 17. The holiday is observed every year to promote giving back to the community and inspiring kindness in everyday life. A random act of kindness can be any type of selfless act performed for another person without the expectation to do so. So why limit your acts of kindness to one day a year? Here’s a list of ways you can perform random acts of kindness for an entire week!...

National Random Act of Kindness Day will be observed on Feb. 17. The holiday is observed every year to promote giving back to the community and inspiring kindness in everyday life. A random act of kindness can be any type of selfless act performed for another person without the expectation to do so. So why limit your acts of kindness to one day a year? Here’s a list of ways you can perform random acts of kindness for an entire week!

Day one: Pay it Forward

The Pay It Forward movement encourages individuals to start a chain reaction of good deeds. Oftentimes, this happens at a coffee shop or drive-thru or even a Target or Walmart. The idea is to buy the order or purchase of the person behind you. The theory is that they will do the same for the person behind them. The chain continues until there’s no one else in line.

Day two: Give someone a helping hand

How hard is it to help someone with a simple task like hanging a poster or with homework? Giving a helping hand is the easiest way to be kind.

Day three: Give a compliment

Everyone likes to feel special and you can help. Tell a friend they’re doing great work at their new job or how nice their new haircut is. Encouraging your friends and neighbors to be their best will make them feel special and will inspire them to do the same for someone else.

Day four: Leave a note for a friend

A sticky note on the mirror telling someone to have a good day will help them start their day off positively.

Day five: Buy a friend dinner

We’re all struggling, but sometimes sacrificing a little extra cash to make your friends smile is totally worth it!

Day six: Call your grandma or other member of your family you haven’t talked to in a while

Life is busy, but your family is important. Let them know you think so by giving them a call to catch up.

Day seven: Make a donation

Give back to your favorite organization by giving them a few dollars or donate a few hours of your time by volunteering. Everyone loves online shopping! Why not shop and donate at the same time by shopping at All you have to do is pick an organization to support and Amazon donates a portion of your purchase for you.

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