newsDecember 5, 2018
Student Government Association approved five by-law changes, funding for football playoff tickets and a request from Campus Outreach in its final meeting of the year Monday, Dec. 3. The by-laws approved changes in the wording of vice president and parliamentarian duties. They also passed the removal of laws for committees chairs that no longer exist within SGA...

Student Government Association approved five by-law changes, funding for football playoff tickets and a request from Campus Outreach in its final meeting of the year Monday, Dec. 3.

The by-laws approved changes in the wording of vice president and parliamentarian duties. They also passed the removal of laws for committees chairs that no longer exist within SGA.

They voted and approved the further funding for student tickets from the playoff football game against Stony Brook on Nov. 24. There were 100 student tickets paid for prior to the game, but 340 students attended. The funding was approved for $1,205 to be paid to the Department of Athletics for the additional tickets.

“I think SGA should support this because it goes toward the morale of sports, which is not such a good thing here at SEMO,” Senator Layla Bouzihay said. “Showing the student body that we’re willing to fund them to help them go to the game and enjoy it is a really good thing.”

Campus Outreach received $1,050 for registration fees to attend a conference. The group plans for 150 students in total to attend the event in Chattanooga, Tennessee, over winter break. The money will be for specific members who cannot afford to attend the conference.

The group concluded with a unanimous vote to recognize three student organizations — Class A People, Sri Lankan Students Association and Students Veterans Organization — for this academic year.

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