newsMay 7, 2012
Alumnus Angie Iacampo will travel around India this summer, learning the Hindi language and enjoying the culture, food and dancing that she has come to love.

In May 2010, Southeast Missouri State University alumnus Angie Iacampo visited India with her roommate at the time, Niteeka. This summer, Iacampo will return for another visit to the country she plans on calling home some day.

"The other day my friend asked her where I see myself in 10 years, and I said 'India,' that was my only answer," Iacampo said.

Iacampo will return to India for three months this summer to study the Hindi language and connect with a mission group or church. She will also explore long-term employment and is considering non-governmental organizations that work with impoverished women and children.

In India, Iacampo will live with two Indian girls whom she lives with currently in the United States.

"This summer turned out to be the perfect time to visit India because my one roommate, Sambhavna, is returning to India to do an internship at NDTV in Mumbai for the summer, and my other roommate, Arpitha, is going back to Bangalore to get engaged," Iacampo said. "So I will be staying in Mumbai about six weeks and then in Bangalore for about five. And then I plan to visit a friend who stays in Ahmedabad."

Iacampo will also attend a friend's wedding in Hyderabad. She doesn't have many specific plans for her trip except to see as much as possible while she's there.

"There is so much about India that is amazing, from the food to the languages," Iacampo said. "India has many, many languages, but most people just know about Hindi. I now can say at least a word or two in six Indian languages."

Iacampo enjoys Indian culture, music and dancing as well as the kindness that South Asian people show.

"The people there really care about others," Iacampo said. "Life is more community-oriented. And while here in the U.S. people are very independent, there is a selflessness, hospitality and unconditional love that I have received from people from India unlike anything I've felt from Americans."

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