sportsMay 10, 2019
Since 2010, the Redhawks Equestrian team at Southeast has been providing students of all skill levels the opportunity to compete, train and learn. Located 15 minutes from campus is the Remley Equestrian Center, which is the training facility the club utilizes on a weekly basis for lessons. SuAnne Remley is the owner and was a previous trainer for the club until she retired...
Photo of Camryn Hoenig at the Remley Equestrian Center
Photo of Camryn Hoenig at the Remley Equestrian Center Submitted by Erica Cheaney

Since 2010, the Redhawks Equestrian team at Southeast has been providing students of all skill levels the opportunity to compete, train and learn.

Located 15 minutes from campus is the Remley Equestrian Center, which is the training facility the club utilizes on a weekly basis for lessons. SuAnne Remley is the owner and was a previous trainer for the club until she retired.

Sophomore Erica Cheaney is the club president and has been working closely with the 2019 officers to improve organization, fundraising and recruitment.

Photo of Hannah Isenman at the Remley Equestrian Center
Photo of Hannah Isenman at the Remley Equestrian Center Submitted by Erica Cheaney

“I’m trying to make it more organized,” Cheaney said. “We have a lot more ideas with T-shirts [for fundraising] and we are trying to implement new things and new ideas. The barn is building another tack room so we have that big project to work with and organize, as well.”

The workload for Cheaney is balanced between four other officers that play important roles in order for a smooth season. This semester's officers include vice president Hannah Isenman; secretary Sierra Wetmore; treasurer Camryn Hoenig and social media representative Cassie Meyer.

With the fall being the club’s heavier semester in regards to competitions, they still managed to stay busy this spring with weekly practices.

Photo of Erica Cheaney at the SIUC Carbondale Show
Photo of Erica Cheaney at the SIUC Carbondale Show Submitted by Erica Cheaney

A typical practice begins 30 minutes early with preparing both the horses and themselves..

“We just do stuff that strengthens our position and prepares us for shows,” Cheaney said.

Cheaney also mentioned the importance of getting members of the team more comfortable with different horses as they never stick to the same one.

The team had a successful spring as they competed at the Missouri State University Hunt Show in late March and concluded their season at regionals in the beginning of April at Cliffwood Farms.

“To make it to regionals you have to earn 36 points, so each placement is a certain amount of points,” Isenman said.

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