sportsMarch 2, 2023
The ultimate frisbee club at SEMO offers a unique opportunity to not only grow in athleticism and competition but also to gain new long lasting relationships that only a team environment brings.
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Graphic by Kyrie Padberg

The ultimate frisbee club at SEMO offers a unique opportunity to not only grow in athleticism and competition but also to gain new long lasting relationships that only a team environment brings.

In the words of Senior psych major and president of the club Austin Broughton, ultimate frisbee is “A mix between football, soccer, and frisbee” as it incorporates the end-zones of football, and the passing of soccer, all while being played with a frisbee.

Broughton says that the club meets twice a week at the turf fields on Sprigg st. during the hours of 5 p.m. on Mondays and 6 p.m. on Thursdays, and is a perfect way to “blow off steam” and meet new people. In terms of requirements for the club, there is only one simple requirement.

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“Any student, as long as you attend SEMO, there doesn’t need to be any previous practice or experience with frisbee… as long as you’re motivated,” Broughton said, showing the openness and friendliness of the club.

Senior history education major Seth Hinson, says that the club itself is adventurous as there are many different levels and styles of people there so they often try new things, and relaxed as it is meant to be fun, and to help people find a new hobby and friends as well.

Sophomore advertising major Megan Mckean who is also an athlete, and the social media manager of the team, echoed this statement, saying the environment was friendly, but competitive.

Hinson also mentioned that the club is a simple, easy sport that everyone can do, and enjoy with little to no experience in the sport.

Within the club, there is also a competitive team, separate from the group that solely plays pickup games during the week. This team travels around to other universities in the area to compete in tournaments.

“We've been to around ten tournaments, and four different states, including Iowa, Kansas and Illinois,” Broughton said.

The competitive team practices once a week to work on formations and throws to help them develop chemistry amongst each other.

“Our team is a family bond…we've been together for a while…We've created this friendship to where we go get dinner and go on hikes together, ” Hinson said, again showing the level of closeness this club brings.

“It was a good experience to have a group of friends that have a common goal together,” Hinson said.

The theme of closeness through the team was echoed by Broughton. “Pretty much my entire friend group has played ultimate with me,” Broughton said, again showing the aspect of friendship this brings.

For those interested in Ultimate frisbee, bored in their free time, or just looking for a new hobby, the question here is not why join Ultimate frisbee, but rather why not?

“Come on out and give it a try, it definitely changed my life,” Says Broughton, encouraging those around to join them in this fun sport that not only entertains, but also brings people closer as friends.

To contact President Austin Broughton regarding frisbee, email, direct message @redhawksulti on instagram or text the number 314-580-2206.

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