submittedFebruary 10, 2012
What is your opinion on Valentine's Day?...
Dylan Roscoe James
Dylan Roscoe James

What is your opinion on Valentine's Day?

1. Dylan Roscoe James

a. "Although it's a greeting-card, corporate controlled holiday, I still enjoy having the chance as a dude to make it so other girls are jealous of my girl on V-Day."

2. Jordan Clint Mitchell

a. "It's the day the world is covered in velvet!"

3. Ethan Trimble

a. "Simply over-commercialized excuse of marketing a feeling that should be year round."

4. Brittney Huitt

a. "I don't have a personal problem with Valentine's Day, it is fun to receive cute gifts but it's just a little overrated. I was never a huge Valentine's Day celebrator."

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