entertainmentSeptember 17, 2018
The rhythmic sound of drumming filled the air as students and local event-goers participated in the Drum Circle hosted at River Campus. The Drum Circle is a free event open to students and the community. “In the professional percussion world, we call it recreational drumming, so no experience necessary. You just come and be part of the group. Everyone adds something to the circle,” director of percussion Shane Mizicko said...
Southeast director of percussion Shane Mizicko (center) leads the Drum Circle event on Sept. 11.
Southeast director of percussion Shane Mizicko (center) leads the Drum Circle event on Sept. 11.Photos by Madison Little ~ Arrow Reporter

The rhythmic sound of drumming filled the air as students and local event-goers participated in the Drum Circle hosted at River Campus. The Drum Circle is a free event open to students and the community.

“In the professional percussion world, we call it recreational drumming, so no experience necessary. You just come and be part of the group. Everyone adds something to the circle,” director of percussion Shane Mizicko said.

The Drum Circle is a collaboration between Mizicko and the Cape Girardeau Parks and Recreation Department.

“Parks and Rec had been asking me a few years about trying to incorporate some more arts instead of all the sports they have,” Mizicko said.

Drum Circle participants play at the Drum Circle event on Sept. 11.
Drum Circle participants play at the Drum Circle event on Sept. 11.Photos by Madison Little ~ Arrow Reporter

Mizicko said there was a shortage of drums when he was first approached with the idea of the Drum Circle.

“When they first approached me, I didn’t have enough drums to do this,” he said. “So, in the meantime I was writing a grant for a class at the university that I wanted to propose, and so I kind of put it all together in collaboration with Parks and Rec and university classes.”

In the spring 2018 semester, Mizicko and the university received a grant which helped with the costs of the drums for the class. Some of the drums are also used for therapy.

“Some of these drums that we use are marketed for health and wellness for music therapy because they are used in the music therapy industry,” Mizicko said.

Mizicko said it was a” decent crowd” the first week and this week they filled between thirty and thirty-two chairs. Participants in the Drum Circle ranged from grade school students and college students to community members in their sixties.

The Drum Circle is held three weeks in the beginning of the semester and will be having its last session Tuesday, Sept. 18. It will pick back up in the spring semester on Jan. 29.

“The Drum Circle traditionally is just something that builds community and there’s no right or wrong,” Mizicko said. “You just kind of play to have fun.”

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