newsAugust 23, 2024
Lynwood Campus Ministry organized a speed-volleyball game on River Campus to foster student connections and engagement. The event aimed to ensure River Campus students feel included and valued, promoting fellowship and fun.
College Pastor Kevin Goebel jumps to hit the volleyball back.
College Pastor Kevin Goebel jumps to hit the volleyball back.Photo by Taylor Slavens

Wednesday night, Lynwood Campus Ministry organized a speed-volleyball game for the river campus students. The game took place in the quad on River Campus in an effort to engage students and create opportunities for student interaction on campus.

College Pastor at Lynwood Ministries Kevin Goebel said that the organization bought the volleyball net in anticipation of planning more events on River Campus.

“We just feel like a lot of times River Campus gets left out of all the really cool things that are going on, on main campus, and that is such a shame, because we want them to have a good time and we want to connect with them as much as possible,” said Goebel.

Students were split into two teams and rotated out to give everyone a chance to participate. Goebel said that the motivation behind organizing the game was to promote fellowship among the students.

“We just want people to come and connect and have a really good time, make some new friends, and build relationships,” said Goebel.

Sophomore criminal justice major Levi Dodg said he tries to attend most events Lynwood hosts on campus, and looked forward to getting to know new students.

“I’m looking forward to the fellowship with people, and getting to talk to the freshman, help them out in any way I can,” said Dodg.

Lynwood Campus Ministries is a student organization and campus ministry who works with SEMO to promote their mission: engage, experience and equip. Goebel said that these three tools are what they use to connect with students.

“We want to engage students, connect with them. We want them to connect with each other, we want to connect them to our church and organization. We know that for a lot of students, the church hasn’t always felt like a safe space, and that’s a shame. We want them to experience what we have to offer, and equip them with the right tools so that they can navigate life well and walk in faith with Christ,” said Goebel.

Sophomore sports management and business major Benjamin Coffee said that information about these events is spread around campus.

“A lot of it is word of mouth, these past three days we have been handing out snow cones on both campuses. We also have an Instagram, Lynwood College,” said Coffee.

Lynwood Campus Ministry hosts other events across both campuses, including their Ultimate Cabbage game on Friday, August 23. Goebel said that all in all, their main goal is to get students together to have fun, and make sure students across both campuses know they are valued.

“We could just come and do something really fun and tell students, ‘Hey, you’re not forgotten about, we still love you and want you involved,” said Goebel.

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