newsFebruary 28, 2024

SGA approves funding for student events, including $1,250 for Student Research Conference t-shirts and $1,100 for Greek Week food trucks, and fills vacant senate seat.

Representatives from the Student Research Conference seek funds for their on-campus event during the SGA meeting.
Representatives from the Student Research Conference seek funds for their on-campus event during the SGA meeting. Photo by Alexis Nadler

The Student Government Association (SGA) came together to approve three new resolutions from the Interview and Funding Board Committees on Feb. 26, 2024.

Second-year Graduate student and business administration major Kate Appleman spoke on behalf of the Student Research Conference (SRC).

The Student Research Conference (SRC) approached the Funding Board Committee seeking funds for their April 16 event. An amount of $1,250 was proposed to aid their costs for t-shirts at their event. The exact design of the shirts has not been finalized at this time.

“Last year was our first in person conference since 2020, so we are trying to get back to where we were prior,” Appleman said.

The Student Senate voted and approved the Student Research Conference’s request of $1,250. These funds will come out of the Discretionary Account.

Senior Corporate Communication major Nolan Briegel is the spirit coordinator for Southeast’s Greek Week. He spoke on behalf of the Greek Week Executive Board.

The Greek Week Executive Board approached the Funding Board Committee seeking funds for their March 2. Polar Plunge on-campus event. An amount of $1,100 was proposed to aid in the cost of food trucks for this event.

“In total, SEMO students have raised over $5,500 to take this plunge. It is a $75 fee in order to plunge, so that money is going specifically to the Special Olympics,” Briegel said.

The request was approved, and the Greek Week Executive Board’s request for $1,100 will be allocated from the Student Organizations Account to aid costs for food trucks for this event.

There was one vacant seat representing the Harrison College of Business and Computing on the Student Senate. If the seat were to be filled, this position would be for the remainder of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Senior Management major Lane Clous applied for the vacancy.

“I really do care about this university, and I do a lot around here to show how much I care for the university,” Clouse said.

The Student Senate approved Clouse to fill the vacancy for the Harrison College of Business and Computing.
