newsApril 24, 2012
I was not sure what I was getting into when I began writing for the Arrow during my first semester at Southeast Missouri State University in August 2009. I chose to major in journalism during my senior year of high school because it seemed like a good idea. I have loved sports ever since I can remember, so it made sense to become a sportswriter and watch games for the rest of my life...
New Editor For 20 2
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I was not sure what I was getting into when I began writing for the Arrow during my first semester at Southeast Missouri State University in August 2009. I chose to major in journalism during my senior year of high school because it seemed like a good idea. I have loved sports ever since I can remember, so it made sense to become a sportswriter and watch games for the rest of my life.

I did not know that I would enjoy the management side so much.

The sports editor position that I have held since last year's spring semester fell into my lap. That was when the Arrow was disorganized and looked straight out of the 1920s, so I was reluctant to take on the responsibility, especially on short notice. But I figured that it would be a good idea to show ambition and hope for the best.

The "best" happened when Rust Communications decided to create a hybrid academic/corporate publication. The Arrow is still student run with student-generated content, but is now printed in full color with a new emphasis on digital and social media. This much you already know.

What you probably haven't seen is the behind-the-scenes work and development of all the editors' and writers' skills. The editors have learned a lot from content adviser Rachel Crader of the Southeast Missourian, who has helped to make the writers better. The partnership has made it fun and a privilege work at the Arrow, which is something that was missing before.

Things have worked out well from a personal standpoint, but I still have plenty of work to do. I will be the new editor-in-chief of the Arrow beginning May 2. This time, personal ambition was only a small reason I wanted to take on a larger role. The best part of working for the Arrow has been working with the wonderful people on our team.

The writers and editors have worked hard all year and displayed a great commitment to the Arrow. It will be my duty as editor to ensure that continues so that our content will continue to be high-quality. I think that our product has been outstanding and I take a lot of pride in that, but it took a team to achieve that. A lot of good people with great attitudes work for the Arrow and that will make my job easier and more enjoyable.

During my time as editor, you can expect an increase in our usage of social media to better connect with you, the reader. We want to hear what you think of the content we put out and your opinion about issues around campus. That kind of feedback will help us to understand what kind of news is important to cover. We don't know what you want until you tell us. We can't guarantee that we will act on your feedback, but we will listen.

And a little more about me:

I'm 21 and from Perryville, Mo., which some of you may know as "That place I stopped at to get gas on the way to St. Louis because I forgot to fill up in Cape." I went to Perryville High School. I make sense of the world with sports analogies. I love all of the St. Louis professional sports teams. I hate Mizzou, so, no, I don't care that Mizzou is going to the SEC, although its first-round exit in the NCAA Tournament was the inspiration for probably my best Facebook status ever. My all-time NBA team is Michael Jordan, Bill Russell, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and Wilt Chamberlain. Debate me at @TWibbenmeyer. (I'm also taking suggestions for my Twitter avatar).

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