Monday, January 13
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Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Featured Sections
Bailey Reutzel
December 1, 2010
Student soldiers create support
From 1968 to 1975, thousands of men and women who had been drafted out of college and who had volunteered to join the military were coming back to the States after the Vietnam War. These Southeast Missouri State University students set up the SEMO Vets Corps as a s...
December 1, 2010
The few, the proud, the stressed out
I've had two bags of pixie sticks, seventy-five pellets of Yellow Jackets, five ceiling-high stacks of sheets with once eloquently written words now under violent black scribbles, a saltshaker full of toothpicks, which I have devoured, splinters flying like Cookie ...
December 1, 2010
SG OKs phase-in of student fee increase
With responses from 511 students, faculty and staff, one of the largest turnouts for forums and surveys, Student Government passed a resolution to phase in the general fee increases for campus renovations over the next three years. "I've been very impressed with St...
November 18, 2010
New shelter offers positive atmosphere
Gospel rap music blared on the TV and the smell of fried chicken and onions swimming with green beans wafted through the house-turned-shelter at 1104 William St. while 19-year-old Jacob Patrick told his story on the faded navy blue couch. Patrick has been in and ou...
November 17, 2010
Turkey statistics
Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national holiday in 1863 by 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. 91 percent of Americans eat turkey during Thanksgiving. About 45 million turkeys are consumed on the holiday, which comes out to approximately 736 millio...
November 11, 2010
Seminar focuses on creating agritourism
Southeast Missouri State University's Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship is hosting "Know Local, Buy Local, Eat Local" on Tuesday, Nov. 16. The seminar is for students and the public "focusing on marketing strategies for small growers, organic producers and...
November 11, 2010
Speaker Series not attracting students
Since 2005, with a budget of about $240,000 annually, Campus Life and Event Services has been hosting the University Speaker Series on the Southeast Missouri State University campus. But some of the events, even though the series is paid for by a student fee increa...
November 4, 2010
DPS ticket revenue decreasing
Last year the Department of Public Safety on Southeast Missouri State University's campus issued 43,713 tickets, between eight and nine inches long, which would expand, creating a pale yellow path for 5.8 miles. The number of tickets being issued increased from 200...
November 3, 2010
Casino wins in all wards
Tuesday, Nov. 2 was Election Day for Missouri, and Cape residents were especially eager to get to the polling booths to vote whether or not to allow a casino to be erected downtown. The casino "would be great for the community as a whole," Trent Summers, spokesman ...
October 28, 2010
Fee increase to help with campus renovations
The Board of Regents recently authorized Southeast Missouri State University to pursue funding through the issuance of bonds from the Missouri Health and Education Facilities Authority for the full cost of construction, $58.3 million, for renovations in Academic Ha...
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