opinionApril 16, 2021
Hiiiiiiiii, pals! Welcome back to another episode of I’m Too Old to Understand TikTok Teen Trends. What do the three items in the title have in common?
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Graphic by Nicolette Baker

Hiiiiiiiii, pals! Welcome back to another episode of I’m Too Old to Understand TikTok Teen Trends. What do the three items in the title have in common?

Absolutely nothing, beyond their trending status on social media.

Today, we’re breaking down three phenomena in the internet fashion world that simultaneously fascinate and confuse me: Gucci scarves, bright yellow EVERYYYYTHING and the real-life Barbie shoes. I’ve seen them sooo frequently in my Instagram feed lately (esp on Reels!), so I’m breaking down the intel you need on these trends.

The first: Gucci’s signature silk head scarves. For one, I especially enjoy the look of this trend. I’ve seen them mostly in TikToks of users driving in cars to the tune of “Please Don’t Go” by Mike Posner. You know the ones — extra points if you’ve recreated this trend yourself! Esquire lightly teased A$AP Rocky in 2018 for the “grandma” scarf, but I still think it’s chic.

Adding an oversized pair of black sunglasses totally completes the look. And yes, the *real thing* will cost you up to $495, but Gucci doesn’t own the concept of silk scarf. Zara sells something similar for $39 on their website.

While we’re at it, it’s a good time to discuss cultural appropriation surrounding scarves. When clicking “add to cart,” open another tab in your browser and research the significance of head coverings. It’s important to learn the origin of trends to determine if they might be insensitive; in this case, it’s possible to cross over into cultural appropriation. Proceed with caution and sensitivity!

Up next: Gen-Z yellow. We’ve been discussing this color in my fashion classes as the replacement to Millennial Pink (gasp!). It’s a bright, in-your-face sorta hue. For a wearable version, reach for a buttercup yellow; to make a statement, choose a true yellow or mustard shade.

If you’re a little shy when it comes to color, incorporate it through accessories. I love L.A. Girl’s eyeliner in “Screamin’”; it’s literally $4 and is superrrrr pigmented.

For the last trend of the day, we’re also talking about Gucci. Hashtag not sponsored. I’m assuming this trend is playing off childhood nostalgia, because Gucci is stealing Barbie’s look. The human-sized shoes are rubber and bright pink, in a similar design to the doll’s heels. Do! Not! Bite! Them!

They’ll set you back $360, but it wouldn’t be a column of mine if I didn’t provide a budget-friendly version. Steve Madden offers similar slides at $69 to live out your Barbie Girl life at a lower price point.

I’m quite puzzled at how all these trends came together at the same time, but I’m not complaining. The internet is a strange, unexplainable place.

What are your fave trends on social media rn? Tweet me links and inspo pics at @nbakerARROW!

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