newsNovember 8, 2019
The National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association (NSSLHA) hosted an indoor, sensory-friendly Trick-or-Treat for all children, but especially those with communication needs in the Center of Speech and Hearing at Southeast on Oct. 28.
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Photo by Antonio Solano

The National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association (NSSLHA) hosted an indoor, sensory-friendly Trick-or-Treat for all children, but especially those with communication needs in the Center of Speech and Hearing at Southeast on Oct. 28.

"Children feeling more comfortable and confident is something we strive for," said Brittney Glass President of NSSLHA. "We wanted children with special communication and sensory needs to come trick or treating without any judgement or expectations."

The idea to host a sensory-friendly Halloween experience was born out of bad luck. When the Homecoming parade was canceled due to heavy rains, NSSLHA members decided to take their clinic promotions indoors and create an inclusive Halloween experience that would be comfortable and safe for children of all needs.

The idea of the event could also be a perfect opportunity for the clinic to promote what they do to help the community and people with special needs.

"The goal is to show there's a broad range of people that have sensory and communication needs, so this is a way that they can come and feel comfortable trick-or-treating," Glass said, "Some people don't understand there's people with special needs, so this is a way for people with communication needs to come get candy and enjoy halloween. "

The indoor event welcomed several children dressed in Halloween costumes alongside their parents.

The clinic had its offices arranged and decorated with Halloween stuff, and each office had staff dressed up and waiting to hand out candy to children.

"We want to promote the awareness of special needs and how it affects daily activities," Glass said. "Overall, we want to serve our community in anyway we can."

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