newsFebruary 28, 2022
As graduation and summer internships approach, some students may be looking for ways to stand out from others in the job field.
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Graphic by Emma Kratky

As graduation and summer internships approach, some students may be looking for ways to stand out from others in the job field.

Director of Career Services Dan Presson said professional branding is becoming increasingly important for students seeking employment, and a professional headshot is a key component of a student's professional brand.

Students were able to get free professional headshots taken from 4 to 7 p.m. Feb. 22 in Dempster Room 102 and from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 23 in the University Center Indian Room. Presson said there was a turnout of 100 students between those two days, and all spots were filled.

“A good headshot should be shoulders up, professional attire, no shadows on your face [and] a well-organized looking photo,” Presson said.

Presson said a student's name is their professional brand. He said this includes resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles and a student's social media presence.

If students have social media, Presson recommends students "clean it up the way you would see a famous figure's profile.”

If students missed the opportunity of starting their brand, Presson said the Career Expo will include professional branding opportunities on March 9. He also said future headshot

events will be announced through students’ semo email at a later date.

The Virtual Online JCPenney Suit Up Event will take place Feb. 28 to March 4. During this event, Southeast students get a coupon for 30% off business attire, including ties, suits, blazers, dress shoes and more, Presson said.

“Looking the part is just as important for building your brand,” Presson said.

Graphic design major Kaitlyn Raab attended the headshot event Feb. 23 in the University Center.

“I’m starting my professional brand by simply starting with a headshot for whenever I apply for a job,” Raab said. “[This way,] they can put the name with the face.”

Presson said branding is an essential element of how well students will represent future employers and helps potential employers learn who they are as employees.

“Take yourself seriously and realize that you are a good, relevant candidate,” Presson said. “All of that value culminates in an employment opportunity, and so you gotta make sure that you are taking that moment in time seriously,” Presson said.

For resume help and more information on building a professional brand, visit Career Services.

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