newsMarch 20, 2018
Students most likely will see an increase in student fees by $5.40 per credit hour in FY19 as Student Government passed a resolution to raise fees over the next three years. Student fees will possibly be increasing by $5.40 next FY, then increase by $1 each year leading up to FY21...
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Graphic by Katelyn Mary Skaggs and Monica Smith

Students most likely will see an increase in student fees by $5.40 per credit hour in FY19 as Student Government passed a resolution to raise fees over the next three years.

Student fees will possibly be increasing by $5.40 next FY, then increase by $1 each year leading up to FY21.

With the fee increase, students would go from paying $33.40 to $38.80. If a student takes 12 credit hours in a semester, instead of paying $400.80, the student would pay $465.60 in general fees.

The student fee increase is being discussed because the Senate is hoping to help make improvements around campus in the areas of information technology, maintenance improvements and student wellness, including Disability Services and counseling.

This resolution is not final and will be left up to the Board of Regents to make the final decision at their next meeting.

One resolution which was also discussed at the March 5 meeting had an increase of around $13 of student fees per credit hour per credit hour, which was withdrawn this meeting.

Another resolution withdrawn was one to protect the equality and integrity of all students at Southeast. This resolution touched on students being protected under the Statement of Non-Discrimination policy held by Southeast.

Two other resolutions discussed at the SGA meeting were for funding requests by the Southeast Sundancers and the Public Relations Student Society of America chapter at Southeast.

The Sundancers requested $150 for each team member attending NDA College Nationals in Daytona Beach on April 4 to 8. Seventeen members are hoping to attend, and they asked for $2,550 in total.

“Last year, we placed third at the national level, which was really exciting,” Sundancer Alexa Hoffman said. “We hope to do just as well or even better this year.”

Hoffman talked about the Sundancers’ continuous effort in fundraising. She said they have done two bake sales, two car washes, a trivia night and other fundraisers. SGA passed the resolution.

For PRSSA-SE, they requested $100 for travel for the National Assembly held March 8-11 in Miami. It passed.

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