opinionApril 27, 2021
Today’s column comes with a chilly forecast: I’m predicting lots of ice today!
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Graphic by Nicolette Baker

Today’s column comes with a chilly forecast: I’m predicting lots of ice today!

Ice, ice babyyyy — we’re discussing jewelry essentials!

For a start, new piercings have totally entered the mainstream in the past few years. When we’ve studied the definition of “dress” in my Social Psychological Aspects of Dress class, piercings and tattoos are always included. Expanding your definition of fashion can help to explore your style in fun new ways! I’m taking you on a quick tour of your ear and potential spots to deck out your look.

Everyone and their mom knows the basic lobe piercings. Maybe you even got yours at Claire’s while preteens gawked at ya (guilty!). You might get one, two or three piercings at this spot — it all depends on your ear’s real estate!

This spot is pretty versatile, jewelry-wise. Recent trends include thick gold hoops, quirky dangling objects and minimalist geometric shapes.

Further up the ear, you can opt for the conch piercing on the inside of your ear. I’ve heard this one involves quite a bit more ouch, so keep your pain tolerance in mind! This spot looks super cute pierced with a hoop — I’ve seen peeps rock a delicate gold ring in this area. When picking out jewelry at your piercing appointment, work with your piercer to determine the right sizing. A too-tight hoop can irritate the tender piercing!

The fan-favorite helix piercing is next. It’s located near the top of your ear and is often referred to as the “cartilage” piercing. This girl’s gotten her helix pierced twice, and I definitely recommend choosing a stud over a hoop as starter jewelry! The hoop didn’t heal as well and hurt soooo much worse when sleeping on that side. I eventually removed it and got it repierced with a stud. The good news? This piercing isn’t super painful at the appointment — just a quick pinch, and you’re done!

Once the piercing is healed, you can switch out starter jewelry for something with a lil more pizazz. A tiny, flat gold stud can be especially cute at this spot. I personally have my eye on a teeny rose gold hoop for my own piercing!

Oh — one thing! Let’s chat jewelry materials real quick. You’ll likely receive your starter jewelry from the piercing shop, which may include titanium or surgical steel. Gold or sterling silver might be fine once the piercing heals, but be cautious of any mixed metals! In an article on their website, Healthline warns against nickel, as it’s a common allergen.

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Graphic by Alisha Reisenbichler

Industrial piercings involve a longer metal bar at the top of your ear — you know the one! This appointment might be a lil more painful as there’s two piercing sites, but I know you’ll do just fine. In terms of jewelry, you’re a bit more limited. This spot works best with a bar, so peruse Etsy or your fave jewelry retailer for some cute options!

Our last topic for today — the daith piercing — is a bit mysterious to me. I’ve heard some say this spot hits a pressure point to relieve migraines. It’s located in the inner part of your ear; check a piercing diagram for the exact placing. Some opt for a tiny hoop at this spot, but a colorful gem stud would be totes cute, too! This spot is a bit more subtle, so reaching for eye-catching jewelry is perfect.

While these are what I’d consider the top piercing spots, there’s lots more variations! Tweet me your fave trendy ear jewelry at @nbakerARROW!

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