opinionNovember 5, 2020
It is a classic saying that all college kids are broke. Which for the most part is true; however, there are some ways you can be a little less broke than some of your friends.
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Graphic by Madison Stuerman

It is a classic saying that all college kids are broke. Which for the most part is true; however, there are some ways you can be a little less broke than some of your friends.

Here is how to make the most out of a college budget.

Student discounts are very popular, especially in a college town like Cape Girardeau. There are also many places outside of Cape that offer deals worth using:

>>>>>Apple has education pricing for certain items. However, they also have items called “certified refurbished products” that are cheaper, because they are used.

>>>>>Best Buy also has a similar discount called “college student deals,” and there are even specific discounts for those signed up. Best Buy also has open box deals through their outlet.

>>>>>Adobe has a discount for students that offers the whole Creative Cloud for only $20 a month.

>>>>>Amazon has a special prime deal for students that gives you six months free.

There are so many more — you just have to ask about them!

While it may seem like no place is hiring, there are actually more companies than you thought hiring in our area. The best sites to look for jobs on are Indeed and RedhawkJobs, or just by looking for those “now hiring” signs that businesses put up. Now that many seasonal jobs have openings, this is the best time to try.

Something people tend to forget about is selling your unwanted items. There are places where you can sell your clothes to a company:

>>>>>If you want a local store, visit Plato’s Closet

>>>>>Use the site ThredUP — an online thrift shop that gives you the option to donate your clothes if they decide not to take them or if they don’t sell in a certain amount of time.

Be smart about how and when you spend money on food.

>>>>>If you live on campus, get the most out of your meal plan. If you have a lot of meals at the end of the week, think about lowering your number of meals. If you have premium, you can use multiple meals at a time, so if you end up with leftover swipes, you can stock up on drinks, chips, etc.

>>>>>If you live off-campus, making meals at home will save money instead of eating out or ordering take-out every night.

This one might seem pretty obvious, but actually go to your classes. Paying this amount of money not to show up at least every once in a while is so not worth it. Plus, skipping makes failing more likely and having to retake a class –– well, it just doesn’t make sense for that reason.

Use campus amenities and events to your benefit. There are so many free things available for current students, including but not limited to the rec center, counseling and disability services, and tutoring services. Student Activities Council also holds a lot of free events that are worth checking out!

Are there any other money-saving tips you use that I missed? Tweet them to me, @MadisonS_Arrow.

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